Wednesday 14 October 2015

Trust Without Borders

A line in the bridge of "Oceans," one of my favourite songs by Hillsong, says, "Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders..."  This line has stuck with me over the past while.  I have been trying to figure out what exactly it means to me, and how I am to trust without borders in my life.

I prefer certainty, like most.  I tend to trust God completely when things are going well, and then as soon as things begin to head in any other direction other than what I define as "well," I often begin to doubt my trust in Him.  In other words, I trust Him completely until that moment when He asks me to walk out on the water and trust Him without borders, in blind faith, and I struggle.  The immense uncertainty faith can sometimes bring is difficult.  I think it's human nature, and especially in our culture, this sort of vulnerability is avoided.  Why?  Because it is terrifying.

I read a wonderful book this past summer titled "Daring Greatly," written by shame and vulnerability researcher Brene Brown.  To summarize, she allows that vulnerability is risky and can certainly lead to hurt, but she maintains that it is also necessary in order to experience love, joy, and connection.  If you don't put yourself out there and trust that things will work out how they are meant to, whether that be that they actually work out, or that you learn something from the experience, at least you provided yourself an actual fighting chance of finding that love, joy, or connection.

So, where has this lead me to?  I've been putting a lot more time into praying.  As well, I've been putting more conscious thought into "trusting without borders."  It has been interesting, to say the least.  I'm still trying to grasp this concept, to trust God with all my heart even when I start to struggle, but it's worth it.  The vulnerability I have forced myself into (and continue to force myself into) has led to a lot of personal growth, a new friendship, and an even closer relationship with God.

It's like the song says...

"You call me out upon the waters,
The great unknown, where feet may fail.
And there I find You in the mystery,
In oceans deep, my faith will stand."

My feet may fail; there is always that risk when you accept vulnerability.  But it is better to have failed while putting your heart into your faith, than to have closed doors and weakened your relationship with God because of a fear of trying.


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